Rowie Huijbregts

My name is Rowie Huijbregts, and as a researcher at TNO Vector I focus on societal challenges and strategic issues in the built environment.
I have a background in architectural engineering and public administration: at the Faculty of Architecture of the TU Delft I obtained my Bachelor and Master of Science, and at the Department of Public Administration of the Erasmus University Rotterdam I defended my PhD dissertation on the deployment of public real estate assets for the purpose of public value creation.
In my work at TNO Vector I find it important to bridge the gap between technology and natural sciences on the one hand and people and social sciences on the other hand. As a researcher I like to think along about how different actors in a given area or issue can bring together their own value judgments and views on matters in order to jointly arrive at innovative solutions.
Huijbregts, R., George, B., & Bekkers, V. (2022). Public values assessment as a practice: integration of evidence and research agenda. Public management review, 24(6), 840-859. Full article: Public values assessment as a practice: integration of evidence and research agenda (tandfonline.com)
Huijbregts, R., George, B., & Bekkers, V. (2022). Valuation tools and politicians’ willingness to sell public real estate: a survey experiment. Public Management Review, 24(6), 882-902. Full article: Valuation tools and politicians’ willingness to sell public real estate: a survey experiment (tandfonline.com)
Huijbregts, R. (2022). The practice of public values assessment: configurations, context and consequences. Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam. The practice of public values assessment: Configurations, context and consequences — Erasmus University Rotterdam (eur.nl)
George, B., Huijbregts, R., Tiggelaar, M., Vandersmissen, L., Vanhengel, S., & Zaki, B. L. (2023). 13. Strategic planning: the way forward. Handbook on Strategic Public Management, 196. Chapter 13: Strategic planning: the way forward in: Handbook on Strategic Public Management (elgaronline.com)