Rik Braams TNO Vector

Rik Braams

Senior Scientist Transformative Government
Rik Braams TNO Vector

I am Rik Braams, senior scientist at TNO Vector. Both from policy consulting and scientific research, I work with policymakers on various societal transitions. I find it important to keep looking at the world from many different perspectives. I do so analytically and with an open mind, from a cheerful and differentiated attitude.

Trained as a political scientist (MSc) and transition scientist (PhD), I specialize on the role of public organizations in innovations and system change. My research shows that public organizations and the people working in them have an important role to play in the success of these changes, but that their transition capacity is not yet optimally used. This is where I want to help them.

To do this, I have developed principles and tools for Transformative Government. This is both a governance narrative which helps civil servants to work on transitions and a government body which is good at carrying out the tasks involved in transitions.


Braams, R., Wesseling. J., Meijer. A & M. Hekkert (2023). Civil Servant Tactics for Realizing Transition Tasks Understanding the Microdynamics of Transformative Government. Public Administration, 1-19.

Braams, R., Wesseling, J., Meijer. A. & M. Hekkert (2022). Understanding why civil servants are reluctant to carry out transition tasks. Science and Public Policy, 49(6), 905-914.

Braams, R., Wesseling, J., Meijer. A. & M. Hekkert (2021). Legitimizing Transformative Government: Aligning essential government tasks from transition literature with normative arguments about legitimacy from Public Administration traditions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 39: 191-205.