Lotte de Groen

My name is Lotte de Groen, business developer for Transitions in Industrial Systems at TNO Vector. In this role, I am involved in the sustainable transformation of production in the chemical sector and manufacturing industry, as well as forming the market for products and components that contribute to the sustainability of the industry.
I work with both companies and governments to bridge the gap between implementation and policy. My great passion is Orchestrating Innovation: forging and supporting strategic public-private innovation networks that stimulate, develop, and implement innovation in light of today's and tomorrow's societal challenges. Therefore, I spend a lot of time understanding everyone's daily practices and interests.
Ideally, the work of orchestrators leads to an ambitious coalition of companies, governments, and knowledge institutions with a shared vision. At the local, provincial, national, and European levels, we shape themes such as broad prosperity, sustainability, and earning capacity. Where it becomes difficult to see what is possible, I am always looking for room to forward.