Kristina Karanikolova

I, Kristina Karanikolova work as a researcher and consultant at TNO’s Strategy and Policy Department, part of unit ICT, Strategy & Policy (ISP), since 2016.
I am involved in a number of European projects where carry research on topics related to innovation policy and digitization. I have been involved and contributed in a number of projects related to Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), including the mentoring and DIHNET.eu project (which aims to develop a network of DIH networks in Europe as well as analyze the connection between smart specialization and DIHs).
Other recent project include among others, contribution to the DIH capacity building activities in SmartAgriHubs, individual mentoring for DIHs and regions, BOWI project which aims to develop a network and establish corridors of collaboration among DIHs, and the VISION CSA.
My background traces back to my two Master’s degrees from the University of Amsterdam – in European competition law and regulation and in European and International labor law.