David Dooghe

David Dooghe

Senior researcher and advisor space, technology and transition
David Dooghe

I am David Dooghe, senior researcher and consultant around space, technology and transitions at TNO Vector. Trained as an architect and urban planner, I focus on the spatial (policy) challenges and incorporation of technologies, and broader transitions, such as the health, energy or mobility transition.

Transitions and linked technologies have a growing space claim, while space in urban regions is scarce. That is why I develop approaches to balance these different space claims, substantiated and future-proof. In this way, I support new opportunities for a balanced integration of these claims on a site. Not surprisingly, I get energy from enhancing liveability in neighbourhoods, cities and the region. I do this by linking my knowledge of space and space policy to other fields within TNO.

Within TNO Vector, I am leader of the impact area value-driven, sustainable cities and regions. By bringing together the expertise of my TNO colleagues, external partners and stakeholders, we can get to the bottom of several transitions within this impact area from a social, economic, spatial and governance perspective and thus arrive at concrete perspectives for action.


Dooghe, D. (2024). Crises en woonbeleid. Drie aanbevelingen voor het opstellen van een veerkrachtig woonbeleid of het navigeren van crises. In Bouma, G., Custers, L., Dooghe, D. & de Zwart, B. (eds.) Storm en stilte, bijdragen aan de PlanDag 2024. Inplanning

Frijters, E., Ponte, M., Dooghe, D., Edens, C., van Spaandonk, T., de Vries, C., & van Zwieten, J. (2023). The City as a System, Metabolic Design for New Urban Forms & Functions. Trancity, The City as a System (trancity.nl)

Dooghe, D. (2023). The influence of crises on housing policies. Cases: the 2008 financial and economic crises, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. Metrex. The influence of crises on housing policies - METREX (eurometrex.org).

Dooghe, D., Westerga, R. (2023). Instrumenten voor besluitvorming Programma Energie Hoofdstructuur (PEH). Integratie van ruimtelijke modellen en energiemodellen. Instrumenten Programma Energie Hoofdstructuur (PEH) (energy.nl)

Dooghe, D., & Dowling, R. (2022). The spatial challenges of the Dutch energy transition. In New Routes for the Energy Transition. 221108-nwa-report-new-routes-for-the-energy-transition-final-version.pdf