Claudio Lazo

I am Claudio Lazo, digital policy and innovation scientist at TNO Vector. As an interdisciplinary ICT policy scientist, I focus on the impact of digital technology on society – in particular artificial intelligence (AI).
The main challenge is to deploy it strategically so that it delivers societal value without creating new problems. To achieve this, I seek connections between scientific disciplines and practice to come to a better understanding. By developing shared concepts, I support a better dialogue between researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs and citizens about the potential value and impact of technology.
Lazo, C. B., Bodea, G., van Ette, F., Ailisto, H., Burden, H., Stenberg, S. (2023). A Comparison of AI Strategies in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden – Case The Netherlands. TNO 2023 R11576. Den Haag: TNO Vector De AI-strategieën van Nederland, Finland en Zweden (tno.nl)
Lazo, C. B., Geurts, A., Huijbregts, R. (2023). Agenda voor actieonderzoek naar maatschappelijke innovatie [Agenda for action research on societal innovation]. Den Haag: TNO Vector. Maatschappelijke innovatie: noodzakelijke stap om te kunnen versnellen (tno.nl)
Lazo, C.B., De Zeeuw, C., Van den Berg, W., Nieuwland, M., Groote Schaarsberg, M., Geurts, A., Greco, A. (2023). Systems Innovation concept map. Den Haag: TNO.
Chen, M., Oren, R., Lazo, C. B., Szijjártó, V., Geurts, A., Bakker, B. (2023). Rapportage Toekomstverkenning Evenementenbranche: Digitale innovaties voor de evenementenbranche in een dynamische wereld [Event Industry Foresight Report: Digital innovations for the event industry in a dynamic world]. TNO 2023 R10924. Den Haag: TNO TNO-onderzoek: toekomst evenementenbranche
Geurts, A., Lazo, C. B., Chen, M., Timan, T. & Bakker, B. (2023). Verkenning Digitale transformatie en één digitale interactieve ruimte in de cultuursector - eindrapportage orientatiefase [Exploration Digital transformation and a single digital interactive space in the cultural sector - final report orientation phase]. TNO 2023 R 10852. Den Haag: TNO Gezamenlijke interactieve digitale ruimte voor de cultuursector | DEN
Georgieva, I., Lazo, C. B., Timan, T., Van Veenstra, A .F. E. (2022). From AI ethics principles to data science practice: a reflection and a gap analysis based on recent frameworks and practical experience. AI and Ethics, 2(4), 697-711 From AI ethics principles to data science practice: a reflection and a gap analysis based on recent frameworks and practical experience | AI and Ethics (springer.com)
Bakker, B., Diran, D., Lazo, C. B., Gijsbers, G., Geurts, A. (2021). Het technologisch ecosysteem van AI in Nederland [The technological ecosystem of AI in the Netherlands]. Working paper. Den Haag: WRR. Het technologisch ecosysteem van AI in Nederland | Working Paper | WRR