Benjamin Schoemaker

I am Benjamin Schoemaker, Researcher & Consultant Energy Transition. I like to assist governments and companies in making informed decisions related to the energy transition by providing insightful system analyses. My focus lies particularly on the transition to sustainable molecules that will be essential for the future of industry and transportation.
After completing a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, I decided to utilize my technical knowledge to address societal challenges. Therefore, I pursued a master's degree in Engineering & Policy Analysis (also at TU Delft). In this program, I learned how to employ data science and simulation models to effectively inform decision-making in government and business, with a focus on the energy transition. For my master's thesis, I conducted research on effective policy interventions for the sustainability of the basic chemical sector using a system dynamics model. I find energy in contemplating such issues where technology, economics, and socio-economic aspects converge.
With this background, I am currently working at TNO Vector, conducting system analyses to help governments and companies make informed decisions in the context of the energy transition. I emphasize the importance of not making predictions (as the future is uncertain) but rather adopting an "exploratory" approach. This means outlining how the future might possibly unfold and identifying interventions that align with each of those potential future scenarios. In this way, I aim to contribute to building a prosperous society that thrives within the limits of our planet.