Angela Greco

I am Angela Greco, Assistant Professor of Innovation Management at Delft University of Technology and Affiliated Senior Scientist in Strategic Innovation for Sustainability at TNO Vector. Through action research, I support organisations that often struggle with the paradoxes of innovation, such as short- versus long-term value, bottom-up versus top-down, and (slow) participation versus (fast) decision-making processes. I have developed methods and approaches to navigate these paradoxes.
Before holding these positions, I was a postdoctoral researcher in responsible innovation at the Ivey Business School at Western University in Canada. I obtained my PhD from the Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the University of Groningen and my MSc degree in Civil Engineering from TU Delft, where I specialised in sustainable buildings. My work is dedicated to accelerating innovation for a sustainable built environment by connecting technological innovations with societal needs through multi-stakeholder participation and paradox management techniques.
Greco, A. (2024). Energietransities: Verenigen van tegengestelde eisen met het paradoxperspectief . In Transformatie naar Woningen.
Greco, A., Nielsen, R., Eikelenboom, M. (2023). Fostering Sustainability and Entrepreneurship through Action Research: the Role of Value Reciprocity and Impact Temporality. In De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research.
Sharma, G., Greco, A., Grewatsch, S., & Bansal, T. (2022) Cocreating Forward: How Researchers and Managers can Address Wicked Problems Together. In Academy of Management Learning and Education.
Greco, A., Raz, M., & Bansal, T. (2022). Scaling Innovations Through Collaborations. Ivey Publishing.
Greco, A., Eikelenboom, M., & Long, T.B. (2021). Innovating for Sustainability Through Collaborative Innovation Contests. In Journal of Cleaner Production.
Greco, A. & Long, T.B. (2021). Towards Sustainable Cities and Communities: Paradoxes of Inclusive Social Housing Strategies. In World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics & Entrepreneurship, World Scientific Publishing.
Mitzinneck B. & Greco, A. (2021). Organizational Hybridity. In Oxford Bibliographies in Management. Ed. Ricky Griffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
Greco, A., Long, T.B., & de Jong, G. (2021). Identity Reflexivity: A Framework of Heuristics for Strategy Change in Hybrid Organizations. Management Decisions.