Gabriella Doci
Ik ben Gabriella Doci, milieusocioloog en senior onderzoeker bij TNO Vector. In mijn onderzoek richt ik me op steden die in 2030 klimaatneutraal willen zijn en probeer ik inzicht te krijgen in elke fase van hun transitieproces.
In het bijzonder ben ik geïnteresseerd in wie de belangrijkste stakeholders zijn in elke fase van het traject en welke rol zij spelen in het proces, wat de belangrijkste aandachtspunten van hun activiteiten zijn, hoe ze op elkaar inwerken, voor welke uitdagingen ze staan en wat hun antwoorden op deze uitdagingen zijn. Naast stedelijke transities ben ik ook betrokken bij projecten die zich richten op energiegemeenschappen en hun potentieel onderzoeken om op te schalen en bij te dragen aan energietransities.
Dóci, G., Vasileiadou, E., Petersen, A.C. (2015). Exploring the transition potential of renewable energy communities. Futures 66, 85–95. Exploring the transition potential of renewable energy communities. Futures
Dóci, G., & Vasileiadou, E. (2015). “Let׳s do it ourselves” Individual motivations for investing in renewables at community level. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49, 41–50. "Let׳s do it ourselves” Individual motivations for investing in renewables at community level
Dóci, G. & Gotchev, B. (2016). When energy policy meets community: Rethinking risk perceptions of renewable energy in Germany and the Netherlands. Energy research and Social Science, 22, 26-35. When energy policy meets community: Rethinking risk perceptions of renewable energy in Germany and the Netherlands.
Dóci, G. (2021). Collective Action with Altruists: How Are Citizens Led Renewable Energy Communities Developed? Sustainability, 13(2), 507. doi:10.3390/su13020507 Collective Action with Altruists: How Are Citizens Led Renewable Energy Communities Developed?
Bukovszki V., Dóci G., Reith A. (2021): Coding engines in participatory social housing design – a case to revisit pattern languages, Sustainability, 13(6), 3367; Coding engines in participatory social housing design – a case to revisit pattern languages
Dóci, G., Rohracher, H., & Kordas, O. (2022). Knowledge management in transition management: The ripples of learning. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78,103621. Knowledge management in transition management: The ripples of learning. Sustainable Cities and Society
Soberón, M., Ezquerra-Lázaro, I., Sánchez-Chaparro, T., Moreno-Serna, J., Dóci, G., & Kordas, O. (2023). Supporting municipalities to develop collaboration capability to facilitate urban transitions and sustainability: Role of transition intermediaries in Madrid. Journal of Cleaner Production, 426,138964. Supporting municipalities to develop collaboration capability to facilitate urban transitions and sustainability: Role of transition intermediaries in Madrid. Journal of Cleaner Production