Virag Szijjarto
My name is VirĂ¡g and I work as an ICT innovation consultant. In my projects I usually work on digitization, and in particular perform ecosystem analysis and set up new business models with parties. I work in various sectors, from healthcare, to agriculture and the national security domain.
Much can be achieved with digitization, but with technical innovation alone, the impact has not yet been made. In order to achieve adoption, new collaborations must be established, the way of doing so must be defined, and all parties must get value out of it. Therefore, we first look at how the current ecosystem will change with digitization. Will the role of certain parties change, will there be new players, and will everyone benefit from this collaboration? Then we can collaboratively design a new business model that is supported by all parties and seen as feasible and fair. In this way, we ensure that the market can really get started with a technical innovation and not get stuck in the business related questions.