Tamara Oukes TNO Vector

Tamara Oukes

Researcher collaborative business models
Tamara Oukes TNO Vector

I am Tamara Oukes, a dedicated and curious researcher in the field of collaborative business models at TNO. Currently, I am involved in developing collaborative business models for public and private organizations that leverage digital solutions to create a sustainable world.

I hold a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Twente, as well as a Master's degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Technical University of Berlin. In 2018, I completed my PhD at the University of Twente, focusing on the influence of power dynamics on collaboration between companies and organizations. After working as an assistant professor for five years, teaching innovation and entrepreneurship to technical students and conducting research on collaborative business models for sustainable companies in developing countries, I joined TNO in May 2023.

My passion lies in resolving conflicts that often arise between companies and organizations collaborating on pressing challenges, such as the energy crisis and social inequality.


Derks, M., Oukes, T., & Romijn, H. (2022). Scaling inclusive business impacts at the Base of the Pyramid: A framework inspired by business model ecosystems research. Journal of cleaner production366, 132875. Scaling inclusive business impacts at the Base of the Pyramid: A framework inspired by business model ecosystems research

Oukes, T., von Raesfeld, A., Groen, A., & PCDIAB Consortium. (2019). Power in a startup's relationships with its established partners: Interactions between structural and behavioural power. Industrial Marketing Management80, 68-83. Power in a startup's relationships with its established partners: Interactions between structural and behavioural power

Oukes, T., Blauw, H., van Bon, A. C., DeVries, J. H., & von Raesfeld, A. M. (2019). Acceptance of the artificial pancreas: Comparing the effect of technology readiness, product characteristics, and social influence between invited and self-selected respondents. Journal of diabetes science and technology13(5), 899-909. Acceptance of the artificial pancreas: Comparing the effect of technology readiness, product characteristics, and social influence between invited and self-selected respondents

Oukes, T., & Raesfeld von, A. (2016). A start-up in interaction with its partners. IMP journal10(1), 50-80. A start-up in interaction with its partners.