Rebecca Dowling

I am Rebecca Dowling, energy transition consultant at TNO Vector. I work on making our energy system in the Netherlands more sustainable, where my background in chemical engineering and renewable energy techniques is very useful.
My work varies enormously: from analysing sustainable business cases, connecting parties in new supply chains, to helping improve processes to accelerate the development of energy infrastructure. I enjoy using the technical expertise within TNO and translating it into strategies and action perspectives for the various parties in the Netherlands, who can make great strides in the energy transition.
Dowling, R., Sambell, K., Hers, S., Koelemeijer, R., Koole, G., Goossens, T. (2023) Reflectie op de provinciale Meerjarenprogramma’s Infrastructuur Energie en Klimaat 1.0. Energie-infrastructuur van de toekomst vraagt om innovatieve besluitvorming (tno.nl)
Suurs, R.A.A., Dowling, R. et al (2023) Electrolysers: Opportunities for the high-tech manufacturing industry Electrolysers: opportunities for high-tech manufacturing industry (voltachem.com
van Zoelen, R., Mahfoozi, S., Dowling, R., Clisby, L., Hers, S., Janssen, N., van der Weijde, A.H. (2023) HyDelta D2.2: Hydrogen in the energy system: value for energy transport infrastructure and its users D2.2 Hydrogen in the energy system: value for energy transport infrastructure and its users (zenodo.org)
Dowling, R., Jansen, N. (2022) Potential cases for electrolysis as solution for grid congestion Elektrolyse als mogelijke oplossing voor congestiemanagement - Energy.nl
Bos., B., van de Sanden, R., Dooghe, D., Dowling, R., Altaghlibi, M., Kramer, G. (2022) New Routes for the Energy Transition Nieuwe onderzoeksroutes voor de Nederlandse energietransitie - Energy.nl