Pieter Verstraten

I am Pieter Verstraten, Research Consultant at TNO Vector. As a mathematician with a specialisation in modelling and an interest in energy transition, I focus on energy markets.
Here, I work with stakeholders inside and outside TNO to understand and shape the energy markets of the future. I also focus on the heat transition, with a focus on the introduction of the new Heat Act. Working with ministries, regulators, municipalities, and other stakeholders, we ensure that sustainable and affordable heat is available to the citizens of the Netherlands. With my research, I influence public debate and policy and investment choices.
Verstraten, P., & van der Weijde, A.H., 2023. In: Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 10. The Case for Simple Simulation: Stochastic Market Simulation to Assess Renewable Business Cases.
Verstraten, P., Janssen, J.L.L.C.C., Huygen, A.E.H., 2023. Review Gegevens Rendementsmonitor: toezicht op kostengebaseerde tarieven.
Huygen, A.E.H., Verstraten, P., Janssen, J., Winters, E., 2021. Warmte is in Nederland een stuk duurder dan in andere Europese landen.
Huygen, A.E.H., Verstraten, P., 2022. Vergelijking tarieven collectieve warmtesystemen in Nederland met tarieven in Zweden, Denemarken en Duitsland.
Gonzalez-Aparicio, I., Vitulli, A., Krishna-Swamy, S., Hernandez-Serna, R., Jansen, N., Verstraten, P., 2022. Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030.
Van Maurik, R., Mulder, P., Verstraten, P., 2023. Gezondheidskosten en energiearmoede.
Van Aken, B., Verstraten, P., Kaas, B.M., & Cesar I., 2021. In: Advanced Science News/Solar RRL. Marginal Effect of Variation in Photovoltaic System Configuration's Generation Profiles on Price Stabilization in the Netherlands Compared with Deployment of Flexible Demand and Supply.
Jansen, N., Satish, A., Verstraten, P., van der Weijde, A.H., 2023. Energieopslag in tunnels.
Boonman, H., Verstraten, P., van der Weijde, A.H., 2023. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 35. Macroeconomic and environmental impacts of circular economy innovation policy.