Nicole van Klaveren

I am Nicole van Klaveren, innovation orchestrator at TNO Vector for Business & Finance Models and economist by origin. My work consists of bringing stakeholders and actors together in the complex and dynamic playing field of industry transition, moving together to invest and scale up. Key words here are working together, connecting, supporting and stimulating.
We face a huge challenge to make industry in the Netherlands more sustainable while keeping it strong in the international playing field. We can really only achieve this by joining forces. This requires new, unconventional and disruptive ideas, but I like to keep both feet on the ground in the process.
I have a strong background in energy and industry transition, both in the public and private domain. From national energy & climate policy at EZK, regional approach in industry transition at DCMR and Rotterdam Climate Initiative, business development in energy and raw materials at Port of Rotterdam Authority and sales & development for commodities at Bureau Veritas. In the past year, I have fully focused on communicating the opportunities and challenges in the raw materials transition, the perfect lead-up to my new role as programme manager Green Chemistry, New Economy.