Monique Rijnders-Nagle TNO Vector

Monique Rijnders-Nagle

Senior Program Manager Transformative Innovation Systems
Monique Rijnders-Nagle TNO Vector

I am Monique Rijnders-Nagle, Senior Program Manager Transformative Innovation Systems at TNO Vector. Here, I lead research programmes aimed at building an evidence base for transformative innovation policy, or in other words how we should design and implement our innovation policy so that we can tackle the big challenges of our time.

One of the key issues it highlights is the optimal design and development of innovation ecosystems. They play an essential role in strengthening the competitiveness and future-proofing of the Netherlands.

I enjoy doing this, using my substantive background in technology and innovation and work experience at various parts of the innovation pentagon. Before joining TNO, I worked at an innovation consultancy and was an advocate for the high-tech industry on international business and innovation. My previous job was at the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), where I coordinated the Dutch Innovation Attaché Network with a team.