Marcel Smit
My name is Marcel Smit, senior scientist at TNO Vector. With a background in Operations Research and Econometrics, I mainly work on cost studies for the Ministry of Defence.
With the help of self-developed models and analyses I provide insight into the financial consequences of the acquisition, use and maintenance of (new) weapon systems. For this I work very directly with the clients within the Ministry of Defence.
That is also what I prefer to do: working closely together with the clients, preferably on location, on issues whose answers are immediately applicable and support the decision-making process. In this way I contribute to the financially responsible implementation of innovations at Defence, and thus to a safer society.
Smit, M.C., 2022, Acquisition F-35: Description LCC-model, August 2021, Den Haag: TNO 2021 R11897.
Hoeve, J. & Smit, M.C., 2021, in View on Value, Jaargang 5, Editie 10., Hoe voorkomt de Cost Engineer kostenoverschrijdingen
Young, J. & Smit, M.C., 2016, in ISMOR 33. Methods to Support Decision Making for Joint Fires.
Smit, M.C., 2011, in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. A North Atlantic Treaty Organisation framework for life cycle costing
Kaluzny, B., Barbici, S., Berg, G., Chiomento, R., Derpanis, D,. Jonsson, U., Shaw, R.H.A., Smit, M.C. & Ramaroson, F., 2011, in Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics, An Application of Data Mining Algorithms for Shipbuilidng Cost Estimation