Julian Rabbie

I am Julian Rabbie, Consultant Quantum Technology at TNO Vector. In my work, I use the knowledge I gained during my two masters in Applied Physics and Econometrics to create insight into strategic topics related to quantum technology.
To this end, I work mainly for the Dutch and European governments on strategy development, supply chain analysis and international collaboration, among other things. My mission is to strengthen the quantum ecosystem in the Netherlands and the European Union and thereby contribute to achieving our open strategic autonomy.
Mans, U., Rabbie, J. & Hopman, B. Critical Raw Materials for Quantum Technologies. Quantum Delta NL White Paper (2023).
Mans, U., Robbers, J., Rabbie, J. & van der Veen, T. Mapping Quantum Computing Supply Chains. Quantum Delta NL White Paper (2022)
Mans, U., Robbers, J., Rabbie, J. & van der Veen, T. Mapping the Supply Chains for Quantum Communication. Quantum Delta NL White Paper (2022).
Rabbie, J., Chakraborty, K., Avis, G. & Wehner, S. Designing quantum networks using preexisting infrastructure. NPJ Quantum Information 8, 5 (2022).
Coopmans, T., Knegjens, R., Dahlberg, A. et al. NetSquid, a NETwork Simulator for QUantum Information using Discrete events. Communication Phys 4, 164 (2021).