The Economics & Innovation Policy (EIP) research group supports public sector decision-makers with actionable economic and strategic analyses of technological innovations, innovation systems and transition policies. EIP develops and applies knowledge in macroeconomics and innovation policy, related to societal challenges, transitions and competitiveness. Our market orientation is mainly government-oriented, with a portfolio covering regional, national and European levels. EIP provides stakeholders with an action perspective by making informed decisions based on a better understanding of current and future challenges and policy options.
Questions we help answer
- What makes innovation ecosystems effective and enhances innovation policy?
- What is the economic impact of new technologies and national and European policy initiatives?
- What are the growth markets for a region or country that ensure future earning capacity?
- How do we achieve economic transitions that deliver broad societal value?
- What are the barriers to high-quality innovation, and how can these be removed?
- What are strategic technologies and international value chains for the growth of broad prosperity?
- What are the existing and future 'control points' for the Dutch economy?
Core activities
- Conducting policy analysis and impact assessment
- Analysing macroeconomic and innovation-related issues
- Developing future scenarios and indicators
- Monitoring and evaluating deployed innovation policies and initiatives
- Managing stakeholders, projects and programmes